Studying in an IIT or Indian Institute of Technology is the first thing that every ambitious engineering aspirant can think of in India. IIT Bombay, IIT Delhi, IIT Kanpur, IIT Kharagpur, IIT Madras, IIT Guwahati, IIT Roorkee are the seven IITs in India that are also termed as National Institutes of Importance. Set up under the Institutes of Technology Act, 1963, IITs are statutory bodies. The central administration of the IITs is looked after by the IIT Council. IITc Council is the apex body which is headed by the Human Resource Department of Indian Government.
Beside the existing seven IITs, nine more IITs have been proposed to be set up in different parts of the country. These states are - Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, Gujarat, Orissa, Bihar and Punjab. IT-BHU will also be converted into an IIT. For a nation which is huge in every dimension needs some more institutes of high standard technology education.
Development of IITs :The foundation for the IITs in India was laid in 1946 by the Executive Council of Viceroy, Sir Jogendra Singh.
The main aim was to develop a technical structure to aid the industrial development in the country.
On May 1950, the first Indian Institute of Technology was set up in Kharagpur.
By 1961 four more such institutes were established in Mumbai, Kanpur, Chennai and Delhi.
IIT Guwahati was established in 1994.
In 2001, University of Roorkee was granted IIT status. This formed the seventh campus of the IITs in India.
IIT AdmissionsGetting into an IIT is a dream that thousands of Indians nourishes. However, as IITs offer different types of courses, the admission procedure also varies. Admission to most of the courses depends on the performance of the candidates in the concerned entrance examination.
IIT Entrance Test(A) Undergraduate Courses:
While IIT JEE is the entrance examination for getting admitted to any of the bachelor degree courses, for B.Des and B Arch separate aptitude tests have to be given along with IIT-JEE.
(B)Postgraduate Courses: For studying Postgraduate courses in IITs, one needs to appear in the appropriate entrance exam.
These entrance exams are -
GATE (M. Tech)
CEED (M.Des)
JAM (Msc)
(C) PhD: Usually an interview is held, though a written examination may be organized according to the discretion of the authorities. The following colleges are being reviewed for granting IIT status:
University College of Technology
Engineering and Technology departments of Jadavpur University, Kolkata
AMU Aligarh
Andhra University College of Engineering
Bengal Engineering College
Cochin University of Science and Technology
Zakir Hussain College of Engineering and Technology
University College of Engineering
Recognized as Institutes of National Importance, by the Government of India, the IITs are viewed as one of the best places to study technology and science.Find Below links for other IITs in India:
IIT Delhi
IIT Kanpur
IIT Kharagpur
IIT Bombay
IIT Madras
IIT Roorkee
IIT Guwahati